The purpose and intent of the law

May 6, 2023 | CCI Conference | 0 comments

 « The sting of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law.”
For sin, in the absence of the law, has no chance of technically functioning as “sin”.–

1 Corinthians 15:56
In his epistle to the Galatians, the apostle Paul wrote that the Scriptures “conclude all men under sin”.
under sin” (Galatians 3:22). The complete offense of sin was found in one man, Adam, and
all men were concluded as disobedient so that God could have mercy on all through one man, Christ.
one man, Christ (Rom 11:32). The precision of the law is that no disobedience to it
ever caused anyone to become a sinner. It simply exposed the sin that was
already imputed to all because of the disobedience of the first Adam.
The law never demanded an honest effort on the part of mankind to relate to God.
God; its demand was perfection. But the law could not produce the perfection
that God insisted on. It was therefore useless in the sense that it could not provide what He asked.
(Rom 8:3-4).

The evangelical comparison of law and grace is not between injustice and justice.
justice. On the contrary, it is entirely a comparison between Pharisaism and
justice. Any suggestion that there is a mere hint of the Law yet to be fulfilled is in itself a perversion of the Gospel of Christ, for it will reduce salvation to
a ridiculous struggle between your obedience and Christ’s obedience. Anyone
teaches a law-based righteousness that depends on man’s fulfillment simply wishes to
to be a teacher of the law without understanding what they say or what they
affirm. Pursuing righteousness under the law presupposes the irrelevance of Christ
for the person who propagates it (Ga 2:21, 1Tim 1:7-10).
We have fallen from grace when we observe any form of law, mistakenly believing that its observance can in any way
gain God’s favor and approval (Galatians 5:4). This is the
the very essence of religion. So falling from grace does not mean breaking the Law
as some have thought. Those who advocate finding their own righteousness by
trying to observe the Law are trying to make a substance of the shadows of the Old Testament
and this proves their ignorance.
Pharisaism shows ignorance of the Gospel and contains no understanding
of the truth (Rom 10:3). Nothing good can come of it, only guilt, condemnation and misjudgment.
condemnation and misjudgment. Self-satisfaction inhibits intellectual and emotional growth and is the main obstacle to spiritual
spiritual maturity.

The audacity of God’s grace fulfilled for all is the revolutionary truth that will only offend
Pharisees who rely on their own works to qualify them before God.

(Luke 18:9-14). The most destructive force we face on planet Earth today is not injustice but, without a doubt, complacency .
. It’s full of curses, bitterness
and deceptive goals to swiftly inflict punishment on others he wrongly
wrongly regard as guilty. They must first renounce their own self-righteousness for the knowledge of Christ’s righteousness and the power of His resurrection to
(Phil. 3:7-10). This can only happen by presenting the true purpose and intention
of the law in the context of the Gospel of grace and peace.
The purpose of the law was to show those under the law that they were unacceptable
to God in themselves. He finally reveals to his subjects that they possess a corrupt nature
corrupt nature that must be superseded by the transmission of God’s own life
of God (Ephesians 2:15). Christ came to fulfill the law so that He could put an end to it and replace it. Thus, all
who believe in Him receive God’s righteousness.

The law and its ordinances have been completely abolished by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
resurrection of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:15). The word “abolish” is a very strong word.
means “to render inoperative and annul”. The Son of God, by fulfilling all the
the commandments of the law in His flesh, has invalidated it. So the New Creation in
Christ has nothing to do with the law. The annulment of the
Mosaic Law means that there is no longer any distinction between Jew and Gentile. All believers
believers are Christians. When it comes to who you are in Christ, there is no ethnic distinction.
. In Christ, the Jew is no longer a Jew and the Gentile is no longer a Gentile.
but Christ is all and in all (Colossians 3:11). It’s time to put aside traditions based on erroneous interpretations of the Jewish religion and become the Christians we are.
become the Christians we are.
It is carnal and even worldly to apply Old Covenant practices to New Covenant living, a bit like adding new cloth to an old garment.
like adding new cloth to an old garment (Mt 9:16-17). In these matters, the cross is the
line between what is abandoned and what is continued.
Everything the apostle Paul mentions in the Old Covenant passages in his epistles
after the cross and resurrection has found new life in the application of the New Covenant.
True conversion isn’t necessarily about changing from your sinful actions to righteous ones. It means
turning from your own self-righteousness to the righteousness of God brought about
only through Christ. If morality is to be encouraged by all means, it must not be confused
be confused with spirituality; they are separate and distinct matters that must be mutually
mutually exclusive in doctrinal matters. The Gospel of grace and peace is the assurance of righteousness.
justice. After Christ’s resurrection, sanctification, redemption
redemption and wisdom will never be sought again; they have sought us, found us, captured us
and invaded in Christ. The elimination of guilt and misjudgment
by means of an inaccurate view of the law through the power of the Gospel of grace and peace gives way to a view of others and ourselves
how God sees us
sees us all.


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