His Calling or Yours

May 6, 2023 | CCI Conference | 0 comments

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what are
the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the

Ephesians 1:18

If you’re a minister of the Gospel, you’ve certainly prayed this prayer at some point,
or you still pray: ‘Lord reveal to me my calling; I want to know my ministry’. What worries me
is that if it were your ministry, it would imply that there is something you
you have to do. But if it’s Christ’s ministry, He’s inviting you to participate in what He’s done.
We are so inseparably one with Christ that we cannot have our own
ministry apart from His. The ministry you have is not your ministry; it’s not your calling. Once we
we know that we are part of Jesus’ call, not our own, and that the ministry of which we are a part is Jesus’ ministry to the world, we will know such a great joy in our lives.
world, we will experience such
liberating joy.
We are all part of his ministry, and he allows us to participate in different aspects
of his unique ministry. This is called grace. Your anointing as a minister is no different
different from that of another minister; by implication, none is more anointed than the other because we all share in the anointing
of Christ. What differs between ministers
ministers is grace. We all have the grace to take part in what Christ
gives us as His mission. At every moment of your life, there is a mission to which Christ has entrusted you.
to which Christ has entrusted you, and he makes it possible for you to do what he entrusts to you.
J.-C. The excessive greatness of his power

“And what is the surpassing greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the work of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead,

and set him at his right hand in the
heavenly places,” (KJV)

Ephesians 1:19-20

These two verses show us the greatest demonstration of God’s power in human history.
All the fullness and riches of God are already in the saints; it’s not something that’s going to be
be, nor something they have yet to see. In the Greek version of this passage, it
“To know what is the extent of the greatness that is infinite, of His power that works
in us who believe, according to the action of His power; to know
what is the power of the power of the power that is already working towards us who
More often than not, ministers are looking for more power. God does not give us a portion
or measure of the anointing. We have received the fullness of Christ’s Spirit
without measure. Every believer, even those who receive Christ at this moment, has the fullness of Christ’s immeasurable measure.
measure of Christ, greater than that of Moses and Elijah.
and Elijah. When God raised Christ from the dead, power was upon us and that power
continues to operate. It was power that brought Christ out of the depths of hell
and placed him at the right hand of the heavenly Father. We are God’s dwelling place;
God doesn’t have to move because we are God’s movement. We are inseparably
one with the Father.

You are not a servant with whom God has signed a contract to accomplish a mission for Him.
mission for Him. The word servant is the Greek word “doulos” which refers to a son
son who serves his father. When a son works in his father’s business, he doesn’t seek a salary or remuneration
to obtain a salary or remuneration, but he knows that the father’s company is his
business. What binds a son to his father’s company is not the service he renders, but who he is.
. You are a son who serves.
You are a son of God, anointed with the Spirit without measure; You have unlimited, surpassing power
surpassing power that continues to operate within you. You have all the energy, power
and abilities to accomplish the task ahead. The anointing of Christ in you
you is unsurpassed, unlimited and surpassing. The power that appointed Jesus
the right hand of God is what’s operative in you. You are not limited, but you have received the portfolio of assets

Your ministry is God working with God. It’s not you trying to do something for God because you can’t do anything for God.
. He who is more than enough has not only called you
called you, He gave you His call and He is in you.
“Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come,and hath put all things under his feet,
and gave him to be the head of
things to the church.

Ephesians 1:21-22
In our unconscious theology, this speaks of an evil entity. The term principality
used in the verse is the Greek word “arche”, meaning all that is first. The
power that works in you, that has placed Christ at the right hand of the Father, is far above all that is first.
above all that is first. It is the power that continues to function even in the world
world to come. This verse speaks of Christ as ‘pantokrato’, as Lord of the all-encompassing power.
. He is in you, so all power works in you 24 hours a day, <> days a <>. Without understanding
of this basic principle, you cannot be an effective minister.
Christ is the head and the Church is the body; we are the expression of Christ the
head. He has put everything under His feet. That which is under Him, as proof that it is under Him, is
under you, being His body.
Jesus is not the head over all things for the Church. If He were, it would be His authority
exercised for the Church. But He is the head of all things to the Church. This implies
that, what He is the head of, you are the head of. You are the head over all things as Christ is the head over all things, always above all. All Christ is in each
of you. Christ is not diminished in percentage according to our number; He lives in each of us as if He lived in only one of us.
of us. As a minister, you share in the fullness of Christ and are so inseparably one with Him that you participate and share in His mission in the world, His calling, with the
fullness of who He is.
“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you
are called in one hope of
one Lord, one faith, one baptism,

Ephesians 4:4-5

Christ in you has given Himself to some as Apostles, to some as Prophets, to others
as Evangelists, Pastor and Teacher. It is His ministry, His offices and when you yield
yourself to Him, He will manifest through you according to the grace He has invested
in you. Once you acknowledge this as a minister, you will always experience increase
because in reality you do not have a ministry; it is His ministry and His calling you are
partaking of.


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